English Class: 2nd & 5th Grade Collaboration Lesson!

Today the 2nd and 5th graders had English class together! The students were shy at first, but they did their best!

The 2nd graders used the phrase "Can you〜?”to interview the 5th graders. The 2nd graders learned which 5th graders can play the kendama, can swim, and much more!

Next, the 2nd and 5th graders got into small mixed groups to play "What teacher am I?" guessing game! One group got a card of a Sanno teacher. The other group must guess what teacher card it is. They asked "Can you〜?" questions to get hints to the answer which teacher card it is!

Good job, 2nd and 5th graders for your effort in today's lesson!
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7/12 大掃除週間
図書委員読み聞かせ 朝
7/13 オープン・キャンパス 学校説明会
7/15 (祝)海の日
7/16 振替休業日
7/17 縦割り班活動(昼休み)
5年生 東京芸術大学との交流事業
English Day
7/18 3・4年生 絵手紙
6年生 東京芸術大学との交流事業