本日:count up14

English Immersion Camp

This weekend, the first English Immersion Camp was held in Iwaki for Student Council Presidents and students going to America.

Early Saturday morning, 16 ALTs, 3 Japanese teachers and 42 students met at 自然の家 in Hisanohama. After the opening ceremony, ENGLISH ONLY TIME began! If you spoke Japanese, you had to do a batsu-game. At first, it was hard (for ALTs too!) but soon everyone tried their best.

Over two days, we did many activities and spoke a lot of English. It was so much fun!!! I was so impressed with everyone's English and I enjoyed getting to know the students. Two days was not enough!

大成功! Maybe you can join it next year!!


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10/18 1年合唱リハ
10/19 バザー・模擬店準備
10/20 授業参観 PTAバザー 模擬店
10/21 合唱コンクール準備
10/22 セレクト給食実施日
10/23 合唱コンクール
10/24 振替休業日