本日:count up1

Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year everyone! I hope this is a great year for you!

What did you do on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day? I went to the shrine and I watched the first sunrise of the year at Yotsukura, then ate mochi and sake near the beach. It was so cold but very fun! I have never watched the sunrise on New Year's before. So beautiful!

In Australia, New Year's is very hot. At midnight we countdown then watch a huge fireworks festival. The fireworks in Sydney are very famous. You can watch them on YouTube!
New Year's Day is a holiday, so most people go to the beach. This year it was almost 40 degrees! Can you imagine a hot New Year's Day?


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1/18 昌平高一般入試・特進入試  明秀日立高一般入試
1/19 福島高専推薦入試  生徒会サミット発表会
1/21 放送朝会
1/22 SC内山先生相談日