本日:count up15


 ホームページのカテゴリに「ALT」を加えました。二学期から本校に勤務している二人が記事を掲載しています。写真は職員室前の廊下にある二人のALTへのメッセージボックスです。生徒の皆さん、日本語でも英語でも構いませんので Let's try!!

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Surprising schools!

Hi everyone!

I came to Japan 2 months ago. I was very surprised when I came to school. Many things are different in Australia. First, in Australia we do no have Junior High School. We have high school from year 7 to year 12. Japanese school days are very long. In Australia, school starts at 8:45 and finishes at 3:00.
In Australia, students do not clean the school and they do not do clubs. So students go home at 3:00! I think clubs are very interesting. Please show me your club!

The biggest surprise was in the summer vacation. Students were at school everyday!! In Australia, the school closes for the vacation. Teachers and students do not go to school. Also, there is not much homework!

But Japanese students are better. You look after the school. I was very surprised. Students do so many things at school. In Australia, students only study. They do not care about the school.

Japanese schools are very interesting. I am glad that I came here to teach English. People are very friendly here in Iwaki.

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10/15 衣替え完全実施、清掃集会
10/17 合唱リハ(2年)・短縮授業
10/19 合唱リハ(1,3年)・短縮授業
10/20 PTAバザー・模擬店準備