本日:count up7


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Malo e lelei! ( Hello in Tongan) Hello everyone! My name is Peseti Vea. I come from Tonga. This is my second year as an ALT here in Iwaki also my first year to work at Taira 3rd. I consider myself lucky to have this opportunity to work in Japan and at Tiara 3 Junior High School. I am looking forward to learning a lot from this endevour and to teaching English here at Taira 3. Please feel free to ask me a question, at the time being it has to be in English because I am still poor in Japanese. When I am confident in Japansese Langauge language, which is hopefully in the very near future, we can then converse in Japanese.
I will try my best to make English an enjoyable subject and langauge to learn.
I give you my BEST!
Malo `Aupito/ Domou Arigadou Kozainmasu/ Thank you very much.


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G'day! My name is Felicity Kerkham. Please call me Felli. I am from Sydney, Australia. I am very happy to be living in Iwaki.
There are 4 people in my family: Mum, Grandma, my little sister Brittany and me.
My favourite sport is karate but I also like swimming and volleyball. In Australia I was a karate teacher. Does anyone like karate too? Please talk to me about it!
I am looking forward to teaching all of you! Please come and talk to me at lunch and after school, or write me a letter (in English).

こんにちは!私の名前はFelicity Kerkhamです。オーストラリアのシドニーから来ました。いわきに住んでることでとても嬉しいです。
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1/24 3年三者懇談(2日目)
1/25 3年三者懇談(3日目)  SC林先生相談日
1/28 放送朝会
1/29 SC内山先生相談日