本日:count up2


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On Saturday I went to Tokyo to see sumo.

Sumo is special in Japan. I was very excited to see this traditional sport. You cannot see sumo anywhere but Japan.

My favorite part was watching the yokozuna fight. They are so strong and fast.

One of the trophy awards had an akabeko on it!

Have you ever been to sumo? You should see it! It is very interesting!


Australia Day

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Did you know that tomorrow is Australia Day? It is the anniversary (記念日) of British people coming to Australia.

In Australia it is a holiday. Many people go to the beach or have a barbeque in the backyard. Cricket (クリケット) is very popular.

In Sydney Harbour there is a ferry race and fireworks at night. It is a lot of fun!

Is there a holiday in Japan like Australia Day?


Snow at Saiso Junior High School!

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This week I visited Saiso 差塩 Junior High and Elementary School. It is a small school in the Miwa area. Only 12 students!

There is a lot of snow here. Today it snowed again. At 11 o'clock it was -6 degrees!


Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year everyone! I hope this is a great year for you!

What did you do on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day? I went to the shrine and I watched the first sunrise of the year at Yotsukura, then ate mochi and sake near the beach. It was so cold but very fun! I have never watched the sunrise on New Year's before. So beautiful!

In Australia, New Year's is very hot. At midnight we countdown then watch a huge fireworks festival. The fireworks in Sydney are very famous. You can watch them on YouTube!
New Year's Day is a holiday, so most people go to the beach. This year it was almost 40 degrees! Can you imagine a hot New Year's Day?




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Christmas Greeting

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year.

Sent from my iPhone

Christmas Parties

One week until Christmas! So exciting! Before Christmas, many people go to Christmas parties. I have been to some too.

Two weeks ago I went to a party in Aizu. There was so much snow! A white Christmas! It was fun to play in the snow.

On Saturday, I went to a Christmas party at an orphanage (孤児院) in Fukushima-shi. Many English teachers went. We did craft and played games. Each child got a present. I was dressed as a koala. It was fun.

Did you go to any parties this year?


Merry Christmas ,mate!

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Did you know〜? Ask Felli!

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In Australian schools, there are many staffrooms. Each subject has one: English staffroom, math staffroom, art staffroom, foreign language staffroom, etc. There is also a large meeting room for teacher meetings.

Also, teachers do not move classrooms. Students must move for every class.

It's interesting, right?


Japanese food(ALTのペセティ先生より)

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My favourite Japanese fish- Salmon
It is very delicious.


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Sukagawa Fire Festival and Fukushima-shi Art Exhibition

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On the weekend I went to Sukagawa and Fukushima-shi.

On Saturday there was a fire festival in Sukagawa. It was great! It was interesting to watch the towers burn. I also liked the school cheering (応援) with taiko drums. I love Japanese festivals!

On Sunday I went t to the Fukushima-shi Art Museum (美術館). There was an exhibition by Tabuchi Toshio 田渕俊夫. It was very interesting. Do you like art?


Who am I?

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 広報いわき11月号の表紙に本校ALTのPeseti Vea先生(トンガ王国出身です)が華麗に踊る写真が掲載されました。10月6日から8日までの3日間、小名浜港アクアマリンパークで行われた「いわき小名浜みなとフェスティバル〜世界を踊ろう!世界を食べよう!」で太平洋諸国舞踊祭での一場面だそうです。

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Fantastic Singing Competition

Today I watched all of the students sing at the Singing Competition. I was so surprised! Everyone was so good! I really enjoyed listening to everyone sing. The pianists and conductors were great too. Congratulations to 3-5 who won! I wish we had this in Australia.

It was great to hear Miss Naoko Kida too. She has a beautiful voice. And she has been to Australia too.

I also enjoyed singing "翼をください" on stage with the teachers. I could see all of the students which was great.

Recently, I listened to many classes after school. Everyone practiced so hard!

In Australia, we don't have all-school competitions. Only singing groups sing. I was in the singing club at school. But I like the 合唱コンクール! It looks like fun and you have to work together.

I'm glad I got to see this event! Thank you.



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Hello everyone!
Thank you for the letters!
We were very happy when we found them!
We will write you letters back. We will give them to your homeroom teacher.
Write a letter any time. Japanese is okay. Please write your class so we can reply!
From Felli and Peseti

Aizu International Festival

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On Saturday I went to the Aizu International Festival. I was a volunteer. I helped with recycling.
There were many tables for different countries. There were many different foods. There was music and dancing.
I made many new friends. It was a lot of fun! You should go next year!


 ホームページのカテゴリに「ALT」を加えました。二学期から本校に勤務している二人が記事を掲載しています。写真は職員室前の廊下にある二人のALTへのメッセージボックスです。生徒の皆さん、日本語でも英語でも構いませんので Let's try!!

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Surprising schools!

Hi everyone!

I came to Japan 2 months ago. I was very surprised when I came to school. Many things are different in Australia. First, in Australia we do no have Junior High School. We have high school from year 7 to year 12. Japanese school days are very long. In Australia, school starts at 8:45 and finishes at 3:00.
In Australia, students do not clean the school and they do not do clubs. So students go home at 3:00! I think clubs are very interesting. Please show me your club!

The biggest surprise was in the summer vacation. Students were at school everyday!! In Australia, the school closes for the vacation. Teachers and students do not go to school. Also, there is not much homework!

But Japanese students are better. You look after the school. I was very surprised. Students do so many things at school. In Australia, students only study. They do not care about the school.

Japanese schools are very interesting. I am glad that I came here to teach English. People are very friendly here in Iwaki.



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Malo e lelei! ( Hello in Tongan) Hello everyone! My name is Peseti Vea. I come from Tonga. This is my second year as an ALT here in Iwaki also my first year to work at Taira 3rd. I consider myself lucky to have this opportunity to work in Japan and at Tiara 3 Junior High School. I am looking forward to learning a lot from this endevour and to teaching English here at Taira 3. Please feel free to ask me a question, at the time being it has to be in English because I am still poor in Japanese. When I am confident in Japansese Langauge language, which is hopefully in the very near future, we can then converse in Japanese.
I will try my best to make English an enjoyable subject and langauge to learn.
I give you my BEST!
Malo `Aupito/ Domou Arigadou Kozainmasu/ Thank you very much.


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G'day! My name is Felicity Kerkham. Please call me Felli. I am from Sydney, Australia. I am very happy to be living in Iwaki.
There are 4 people in my family: Mum, Grandma, my little sister Brittany and me.
My favourite sport is karate but I also like swimming and volleyball. In Australia I was a karate teacher. Does anyone like karate too? Please talk to me about it!
I am looking forward to teaching all of you! Please come and talk to me at lunch and after school, or write me a letter (in English).

こんにちは!私の名前はFelicity Kerkhamです。オーストラリアのシドニーから来ました。いわきに住んでることでとても嬉しいです。
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1/31 学力テスト(1・2年) お弁当の日
2/1 短縮授業 部活動中止 職員会議 お弁当の日
2/4 放送朝会
2/5 SC内山先生相談日