本日:count up4


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On Saturday I went to Tokyo to see sumo.

Sumo is special in Japan. I was very excited to see this traditional sport. You cannot see sumo anywhere but Japan.

My favorite part was watching the yokozuna fight. They are so strong and fast.

One of the trophy awards had an akabeko on it!

Have you ever been to sumo? You should see it! It is very interesting!


Australia Day

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Did you know that tomorrow is Australia Day? It is the anniversary (記念日) of British people coming to Australia.

In Australia it is a holiday. Many people go to the beach or have a barbeque in the backyard. Cricket (クリケット) is very popular.

In Sydney Harbour there is a ferry race and fireworks at night. It is a lot of fun!

Is there a holiday in Japan like Australia Day?


Snow at Saiso Junior High School!

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This week I visited Saiso 差塩 Junior High and Elementary School. It is a small school in the Miwa area. Only 12 students!

There is a lot of snow here. Today it snowed again. At 11 o'clock it was -6 degrees!


Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year everyone! I hope this is a great year for you!

What did you do on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day? I went to the shrine and I watched the first sunrise of the year at Yotsukura, then ate mochi and sake near the beach. It was so cold but very fun! I have never watched the sunrise on New Year's before. So beautiful!

In Australia, New Year's is very hot. At midnight we countdown then watch a huge fireworks festival. The fireworks in Sydney are very famous. You can watch them on YouTube!
New Year's Day is a holiday, so most people go to the beach. This year it was almost 40 degrees! Can you imagine a hot New Year's Day?




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