本日:count up1


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On the long weekend (長い週末 = 三連休) I went to Iwate-ken. Have you ever been there?

Morioka City is famous for noodles. I ate わんこそば and 冷麺 and じゃじゃ麺! Yummy!

Also, I visited Koiwai (小岩井) Farm. I saw cows and sheep, and I made butter! It was a lot of fun.

In Tono I went kappa fishing (かっぱ釣り). Did I catch one? What do you think?

Iwate was a lot of fun! You should visit, too!


Iizaka World Cafe

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> On Saturday, I went to Iizaka near Fukushima-shi. Sometimes
there are World Cafes in Fukushima. Adults and students, people from different countries all went.
> We walked around Iizaka and tried geta (下駄). It was very hot! Then we made uchiwa (うちわ) and played some games. It was a
lot of fun! You should try it sometime!
> ~Felli

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7/18 県(東北)中体連選手壮行会
7/19 第1学期終業式 美化作業 通知票配付 部活動なし
7/20 夏季休業 〜8/25まで
7/22 県中体連総合大会1日目 夏休み学区内補導 福島丸体験航海
7/23 県中体連総合大会2日目 