本日:count up4


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On the long weekend (長い週末 = 三連休) I went to Iwate-ken. Have you ever been there?

Morioka City is famous for noodles. I ate わんこそば and 冷麺 and じゃじゃ麺! Yummy!

Also, I visited Koiwai (小岩井) Farm. I saw cows and sheep, and I made butter! It was a lot of fun.

In Tono I went kappa fishing (かっぱ釣り). Did I catch one? What do you think?

Iwate was a lot of fun! You should visit, too!


Iizaka World Cafe

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> On Saturday, I went to Iizaka near Fukushima-shi. Sometimes
there are World Cafes in Fukushima. Adults and students, people from different countries all went.
> We walked around Iizaka and tried geta (下駄). It was very hot! Then we made uchiwa (うちわ) and played some games. It was a
lot of fun! You should try it sometime!
> ~Felli

Back to School

Now we are in the second week of school. How are your classes? First graders, do you like junior high school?

In Japan, the school year starts in April, in spring. But in many countries it is different. Many places have the long summer vacation at the end of the school year. In America, the summer vacation is in July and August like Japan. So the school year starts in September and ends in July. In Australia, summer vacation is from December to January, so the school year starts in February and ends in December. Then in summer vacation you don't have to go to school!

Also in Japan there are three semesters (学期). 3rd semester is shortest. In most of Australia there are four semesters. So we have an autumn (fall) vacation as well.

Isn't it interesting? School is different in every country.


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7/20 夏季休業 〜8/25まで
7/22 県中体連総合大会1日目 夏休み学区内補導 福島丸体験航海
7/23 県中体連総合大会2日目 
7/24 県中体連総合大会3日目 体験入学(磐城、勿来工、郡山萌世)
7/25 体験入学(いわき海星、いわき総合)
7/26 体験入学(好間、磐城桜が丘、仁愛)